Monday, July 7, 2008


Ok. I have had it! I am just about sick and tired of driving in a world where I honestly believe that most people should not be given the privilege to drive because they are…well…STUPID!!

I can not count the number of times I have been sitting at a stop sign when there is some mook sitting across from me or adjacent to me in his or her car directing traffic. Do you have a badge? Are you an officer of the law, or did you just self appoint yourself as traffic cop Pete for the day? If everyone would just follow the rules of the stop sign (i.e. the person to the right goes first if you both get there at the same time otherwise the person who got there first goes first) then everything would be fine. When some idiot sits in his or her Lexus directing traffic, I swear to God, I want to get out of my car, walk over to them and slap the ever loving crap out of them! It’s not rocket science. It’s a stop sign, folks.

Something else that just absolutely rattles my cage is people who try to be “nice” on the road. Now I am all for driving friendly and defensively, so let me clarify. The other day when I was driving home from work, I ran into a traffic jam because, once again, Tex DOT (Texas Dept. of Transportation), in their infinite wisdom, decided that the stretch of road that is on my way home needed to be repaired…again! After all, that is what my enormous tax dollars are for, right? Anyway, this construction caused a back-up of traffic probably a half a mile long. Just about the time I was coming into this traffic congestion, a local factory’s shift was ending. Now there is no traffic light to regulate when those people get out on to the highway, so they have to wait until traffic clears…but they don’t! THEY DON’T!! Do you want to know why? Because, people keep letting them in making the traffic jam even worse, that’s why! Those of you who let people in like that, I know you get a warm-fuzzy by doing your “good deed” for the day and you think you are being nice. And you are, but only to that one person whom you let in. You have just given the 250 people behind you a big giant “SCREW YOU!!” though. For the sanity and blood pressure of all of those 250 people behind you, follow the rules of traffic and let them wait their turn!! Things will run much more smoothly if you would just take care of business. Of course, this is just my point of view ;-)

1 comment:

Melissa LaFavers said...

Dude...seriously...have you THOUGHT about decaf?

: D
